IKEA teamed up with PIZZA HUT to create a new product

Inspired by those little white “pizza saver” plastic tables that come in most boxes of delivery pizza, Ikea and Pizza Hut Hong Kong have reportedly teamed up to create a new product: an actual table that holds your pizza.

【觀看SÄVA發佈會▶️】 徹底創新的三腳設計,具備承托重量級薄餅功能,卻超級簡潔易用。震撼設計概念,全力加強於家中叫薄餅外賣的可能性,開創薄餅與家居的無限可能。因「肉」之名,首張配合肉丸Pizza而設計的限量版白色SÄVA薄餅檯,正式登場。 不設預購,只設邊食邊玩有獎遊戲:http://bit.ly/3aFCOzY #PizzaHutHK#必勝宜家批#因肉之名

Posted by Pizza Hut HK on Monday, March 9, 2020

No news yet on where you can actually buy one of these, but maybe that’s for the best because honestly it just makes us hungry to look at it.